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Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I don't think it's often that we can pinpoint the exact moment we decide something, change course or choose a path, but there's one time I can.  I saw this piece of cloisonné by Merry-Lee Rae in The Lapidary Journal, and fell absolutely in love with her art and her art form.  I knew I had to try it.  I love enameling, but I do not love metal working.  Being a member of Love My Art Jewelry has shown me that people with a passion for metal and jewelry can and do make inspired pieces of wearable art with copper, silver, polymer clay, fiber art and on and on with possibilities.

Lately, I am being pulled in other directions, and though I cannot pinpoint when it began to happen, my passion about my art has suffered.  I have begun to find the continual effort to build an online presence draining, and I do not like and am not good at self promotion.  The moment I decided to go back to being a fan of art jewelry instead of trying to be an art jeweler, I felt lighter...more free, and more myself.  So, knowing that it is what is right for me at this time in my life I am leaving my much loved group of Love my Art Jewelry ladies to return to being one of their biggest fans and cheering section leader.  I will be following their inspired progress without feeling the pressure to try to keep up with these artists whose growth and creativity continually astounds me.  As for me...well...some days I feel like making art, and some days I don' days I will...and some days I won't.  It's a good place for me to be.


  1. I too made that decision a few years ago and it took so much pressure off of me. We do what we need to do to be happy and healthy.
    Look for wondrous things to happen.

  2. Julie, you will be greatly missed :'(
    Please stay in touch.....

  3. julie, you will be missed - i think you know what a fan i am of your work no matter the medium... you have always inspired me - but i understand that pressure... and i wish you only the best life has to offer... and am so happy to hear that you will remain in contact -

  4. We have loved having you here and look forward to you stopping by. Promoting and selling your art is tough, and for many, it robs the joy of creating for them. make art for you, you can't go wrong there! It should be light, and feel good. I wish you many blessings!!!!

  5. I understand exactly how you feel. I think it is those very feelings that hold me back from selling my jewelry and making a business of it. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Thanks for your open-ness.

  6. Julie, I am really going to miss you but understand and respect your decision. You have brought a delightful and wonderful dynamic to our group! Please don't be a stranger!!!!

  7. I'm sorry that we have to say "hello and good-bye" in the same sentence. Your work is beautiful and I hope you find fulfillment in whatever you pursue next.

  8. I don't know if you heard me, but I shouted yes - I completely understand and feel the same! I hope you're able to get back to the joy of creating. It's such a suck on our time this social media, etc., I keep telling myself to find the balance. I have not found it yet. I hope you do!

  9. I hope you find peace and happiness in your creative endeavors whatever they may be. Create for the joy of creating. We will miss you!!

  10. Good luck in your future endeavours, you will be missed!

  11. are an art jeweler...we all feel the need to fallow our creative fields while we concentrate on another field that needs our attention. Blessing to will be missed here.

  12. Thank you everyone! I will still be here lurking around and enjoying all you do! I'm not really going anywhere...just taking a less active role. Love you all!

  13. Hey Julie - It's been great seeing your work here and I hope that you will continue to follow what makes your heart happiest and allows the creativity to flow. I know exactly what you mean about breathing and freeing yourself up. It is a great thing to do every so often just to "disconnect" from all this connectedness online. Look forward to keeping in touch and seeing what you're up to as you go down this new path & keep in touch :)
