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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Play is Important

by Staci Louise Smith

Last week Mary Jane asked if we play before a big project.........I realized that I do.  I also realized that I play at random times too.  Play is important, its good for the soul.  It's how we learn, and grow and relax.
  This time, it was with my kids prompting that I played, and I want to share the fun we had, and how creative my kids are (makes a mom proud)!  Yep- totally bragging.  Really though, I am just so happy they get to be exposed to such a variety of art at such a young age.  I know going to art shows with my mom when I was young made a world of difference in my creative journey.  I love seeing the joy on their faces when they create something they are proud of.  I love how free and fun their art is.  Collin made a meatball.  He loves it.  Go figure. 

At my last show, the kids got to meet an amazing polymer artist who does whimsical sculptures, named Mary-Lynne Moffatt.  They each came home with a little necklace figure from her, and wanted to make friends for their newest figures.  So, I got out the sculpey (I use the cheapy stuff for them, but from the looks of it, they may be ready to move up to the good stuff so it lasts better for them).

Here is Collin's work, my youngest son.  He is pretty talented for 5 years old.

Here is the whole plate of his creations.
Polar bear
Octopus (this is my favorite, I did not help them at all with these)
sea turtle

the meatball
Next up is Julia, my 7 year old daughter, and the one who just LOVE creating, anyway she can.


And then of course, my eldest, Aiden, 10 years old. 

coil pot
horseshoe crab
river moster

And I got to play too, Collin wanted me to make him a turtle.

Then Julia asked for a pig, a bit more challenging

And of course, Aiden asked for a dragon.  Sheesh.  Well, I think I pulled it off anyway.

I'm proud of my little guys too.  And it was fun to play with polymer for fun and not business for a little while.

 What do you do for fun, outside your regular art?


  1. Wow...pretty impressive! I especially like that dragon!!! ♥♥♥

  2. looks like so much fun - and it was good for everyone! i used to make the kids a birthday pin when they were in elementary school each year... they wore it in to class for their special day - it's a great thing about the polymer clay - you can do something fast and fun and inexpensively if you need to - it was in their favorite colors...
    nice job by everyone! fun to see them painted...

  3. Awww...I love them all! My favorites are the ghost the seal and your dragon...that stegosaurus is awesome, but not so cuddly...I'm all about cuddly. Your kids are amazing, and you're an amazing mom for playing with them. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wait until you all look back on this post years from now...they will look back on this time as one of the best moments in their childhood. They had fun...and you were so proud of them..and they were loved! Simple afternoon turns into a lifetime memory. Priceless.
