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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

is there a word for a visual earworm?

mary jane dodd

ragglebloom by the amazingly talented ren at fairysteps

because these have been for me... i even got them for my mom and daughter in different colors...

but i hadn't realized how much it had infiltrated the different parts of my mind

until these started happening - 

i really do love when this happens - and i am working on making them even more layered... while i do not often use color in my finished work, i am very fond of using patinas to create components like these... 

have you had something sneak its way into your work lately?


  1. Its certainly definite that what we see and what we love does influence the way we think and therefore what we create. Its the fertilizer that keeps us climbing up that path to the next level, isn't it.
    xx, Carol

  2. Everything we see and hear influences us in some way either positively or negativly, I would say this is a very positive influence, they are lovely!
    I have a give away on my blog you are welcome to pop over and have a go if it interests you.

  3. Oh, one of my favorite subjects! Right now, I am preoccupied with discs and moving parts...

    lovely work as usual!

  4. I'll have to think about that question.... What you have done is wonderful!
