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Saturday, April 21, 2012

emerging from the fire

mary jane dodd


and figuratively...

it is through the use of fire that i am able to best express myself... 

is there a medium or tool that if it were taken from you, you would feel as if you had lost your ability to speak?

what aspect of your work makes your spirit soar?

makes you feel like you have tapped into what you were born to do?


  1. oh's color! If all I had was metal, I'd quit. Your work is beautiful and infused with spirit. I've got an om shanti sign in the works for my new store, seeing your work today was like a confirmation that I'm on the right path. Wouldn't it be amazing if we all felt connected to what we were born to do?

  2. I love copper and clay. I have to say those are my favorites. I LOVE the pieces you have created. Those colors are wonderful!

  3. That would be glass for me, paper would be coming in second.

  4. I love your current work.. really beautiful.
    At this point, I've worked in clay
    (ceramics) for over half my lifetime..while i still see the world thru the eyes of a painter, my voice is clay.
    creating jewelry components is fun and makes me happy, however making sculpture makes my heart sing.

  5. Obviously for me it's copper. But my favorite process with metal is being able to soften it with heat, then shape it with a hammer and watch it harden again. Being able to treat metal as though it was clay is amazing. Love my copper. =) Your leaves are beautiful.

  6. MJ-sorry but I would miss the combo- metal, fire, hammer and anvil. It is thru these that I can give new life to discarded bits; and the process feeds my soul. Love the raw soot covered petal - the beauty shines thru - just below the soot. B

  7. amazing work Mary Jane! The leaves are so pretty and speak so much.
    Fire is the same for me- very meditative as well. Also (as Barry said) love hammering and giving new life to metal bits. I just dumped out a pill of fine silver yesterday and was in heaven watching it melt up into a ball. :) Hammering, fire, and bringing new life to bits. It's all really a dream "job" isn't it? Every day I come to "work" I feel so blessed to be able to do what I do.

    Thanks MJ for sharing all you do.

  8. beautiful. touching. love these petals and all they stand for.
