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Friday, March 30, 2012

necessity is the mother -

mary jane dodd

of your own invention!

when i taught the workshops at the teen arts festival, the plan was to have on a sample bracelet... i didn't have the time to order from some of my favorite etsy creatives... and i didn't want to use plastic or mass produced ones...

when the light bulb went on and i realized -

i can do that!

so i did...

what personal discoveries have you made lately?


and remember - 

tomorrow night at 8:30pm local time you can participate in earth hour 2012 -


  1. Great buttons! Did you use them in your workshop too?

  2. Well.... I have not made any today, but would like to tomorrow.... Will you tell me what you use for the holes and where you get them. I found something at Michael's but I'm not sure they are pure metal.
