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Saturday, October 15, 2011

this is a warning -

mary jane dodd

monday's designer is going to require a random draw because we have some terrific entries in our flickr group for this month's art spark! (and as a libra, i really struggle with having to make choices)

how about i show them to you?

swinging paddles from melinda orr:

fluttering leaves and beautiful colors from sandra:

a warm autumnal lariat necklace from supere67 (i am sorry i don't know your name):

swingy fall earrings from lorelei eurto:

yummy orange & copper from deborah lee taylor:

and a gorgeous rustic necklace from our own staci:

thank you ladies for your participation... 

enjoy your weekend!

i will be leaving the zen nest of my workbench and entering the belly of the beast - comic con nyc... wish us luck! (it's no big deal, not really - only about 10,000 people on the floor at a time... ommm...) just kidding - it's all good!


  1. Such great entries!! Yea you have your work cut out for you!!

  2. Geesh, I'd have a hard time picking too!!

  3. Great entries! I'll be looking forward to hearing how your day goes..... It sounds like quite the event :o)

  4. Beautiful entries! I'm just glad its not me that has to choose.

    Enjoy comic con!!!!

  5. Hard choices for sure! I have my faves... but they are all great!

  6. I'm a Libra too! I totally understand...what beauties!
